Tuesday 17 June 2014

Writing sample.

WALT: Inform
Disruption: I think that i did well but next time I should make it a bit longer and I would make a bit more description so I give myself a 8/10.What? We are publishing a piece of writing.
Why?, To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 6

Who? The World

Why does hot air rise and cold air fall?
Well its because hot air is lighter than cold air so the hot air goes up then gets cold and comes down hot air is on the ground then comes to clouds then turns warm air then gets to space then turns to cold air then comes down to clouds and turns warm again then comes back to the ground and turns to hot air then goes over again and again.
so I think that the reason is that hot air is like steel and up is like a magnet so cold air is heavy!

We are publishing a piece of writing
To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.
in Week 6
to The World
Write an explanation about something you have learned about energy.
I have learned that if you make a milo the steam goes up because it is hot air!

feed back: I like your post your are capital letters good job.

feed ford: More powerful words please.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, I like the way you have started to explain this with some detail. Did you not think you could have added a bit more to this? It was a great start but then ended quite suddenly. Next time remember to re-craft to add more of your ideas.
