Thursday, 10 December 2015


For Inquiry I am In Rebecca's Impact Project Group. I am Trying To Make a craft day and it will be on the day we show our work . So i have been thinking about what we should create and how what  stuff we can use and how much of it we have.
 I have been busy finding crafts to use and what type of crafts we can do and i decided to do some xmas crafts because it is so close to xmas so we created a xmas tree. We found some crafts that we could stick on the tree and put them on a slide. getting ready we thought of doing some baking and what spots we would do our crafts in. the real thing was amazing but i forgot to bring some baking so we bribed people to make some xmas tree decorations by saying if you made ONE decoration you would get a piece of brownie.

  • the hardest part of all this was most probably giving out the brownies and getting the craft supplies.
  • The funny part was when every one just wanted the brownies so we were thinking of TAKING OVER THE WORLD WITH BROWNIES HA HA HA HAAAAA. omg that seems evil XD
This is my finished product:

Sunday, 6 December 2015

My Poetic Writing

Description: As you obviously know from my last post in Troy's writing group we have been learning about poetry. Last week we did Cinquains. We are putting the two poems that we wrote into our yearbook for the end of the year graduation for the year six's ( Me 2 ). We Put Our Work Into A slide first thing before they are put in the year book. Here is the slide with all of our Wonderfull poems. Are you able to guess what ones are the Cinquains and what ones are the Free Verse Without reading the signs on mine. Hope you enjoy btw mine is number 5. XD

About Cinquains:

Cinquains are a type of poetry when you don't have to rhyme, they have 2 syllables on the first line then 4 syllables on the second line, then 6 syllables, then 8 syllables and then back to 2 syllables. Like a Christmas tree.

About Free Verse:

Free verse poetry is when there is no rules what so ever, it doesn't have to rhyme. We could write about any experience we had. So can you guess what I wrote about.

Big Idea:


FeedBack/FeedForward: Olivia I think you have done a wonderful job on your Cinquains and Free verse. I think you could work on explaining what your thingy mabobo is about.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Writing ( Cinquain )

Description: For Writing I am In Troys Group And in Troys group we have been learning to write Cinquain's And I wrote my Cinquain About my passion of Singing. Here It Is

This is how a Cinquain works:

2 Syllables
4 Syllables
6 Syllables
8 Syllables
2 Syllables

Amazing Passions

Amazing, Cooling, Beautiful
Nothing Can Block Us From Passion


FeedBack And FeedForward: