Thursday, 27 March 2014

Group B Camp Sharp Shooting.

My Score: 44 + 44 + 46 = 134.

WALT calculate the mean, median, mode and range for a set of data.
TASK Elly and Troy want to find out once and for all:
  • which Activity Group has the overall best score, (mean)
  • which Activity Group has the highest middle number, (median)
  • what score was the most common, (mode)
  • which activity group has the highest range. (range)  

In everyday life people collect data to look for trends and make decisions. In order to analyse the information, we need to understand the different ways to lOOK at the data.

Success Criteria you will know you are successful when:
  • calculate the mean by adding up all the data (9 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 30) then divide the total by how many numbers there were (9, 4, 4, 5, 8 = 5 numbers so 30 ÷ 5 = 6).
  • calculate the median by ordering all numbers from smallest to biggest then selecting the middle number (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 5 is the middle number). If there are 6 numbers e.g. 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, then the median is halfway = 5.5.
  • calculate the mode by identifying which number occurs most often (4, 4, 5, 8, 9 = 4 because there are two of them). You can have more than one mode.
  • calculate the range by finding the difference between the highest and lowest numbers (9 - 4 = 5).
  • my scores are 44, 44 and 46 so my total score is 134
  • the mode score is 44
  • my range score is 44 46. 2 numbers inbitween
  • my median number is 44
  • my mean is 44 44 46 so i have 3 numbers so it is 134÷3 
  • so that =12 ÷3 = 4 i know 120 ÷ 3 = 40, 14 ÷ 3 = 4 and a bit. Therefore my mean is 40 + 4 and a bit = 44 and a bit.
This is my Groups Score.
Cooper = 36 + 40 + 40 
Coopers scores are 36, 40 and 40 so his total score is 116.
The mode score is 40. 
The range score is 40 and 40 (2 high numbers).
The median is 40.
the mean is 36 40 and 40 so it is 116÷3= 38 

Devin = 44 + 34 + 25
Devins scores are 44 34 and 25 so her total score is 103
The range score is 44
The median 34
the mean is 44 34 and 25 so it is 103÷3= 34

Alex= 43 + 36 + 46
Alex's scores are 43, 36 and 46 so his total score is 125
His range score is 46
His median is 46
his mean is 43, 36 and 46 so it is 125÷3= 41

Liam= 27 + 34 + 46
Liam's scores are 27, 34 and 46 so his total score is 107
His range score is 46
His median is 46
His mean is 27, 34 and 46 so it is 107÷3= 35

Milania= 15 + 21 + 35
Milania's scores are 15, 21 and 35 so her total score is 71
Her range score is 35
Her median is 35
Her mean is 15, 21 and 35 so it is 71÷3= 23

My 2 stars and a wish

This is my two stars and a wish i hope you like it!

Monday, 24 March 2014

mine and lydias double bubble

This is our double bubble. :)
W. A. L. T. Share information in a creative way.
task to find out what is different between each other

Sunday, 16 March 2014

My Activity group Presentation.

This is my Activity group Presentation I made on monday.
I think that my things that i did well were talk clearly and loud so people can hear.
I think that i could improve on not looking at the screen and knowing what I am going to say.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Malania Is 5 And She Went On A Epic Scooter Journey Of 6.8km

Malania Is 5 Years Old And She Went On A Epic      Scooter Journey Of 6.8km!!!!

Milania Lang is only 5 years old, but she didn't let 6.8km of busy roads get in the way of an epic solo scooter journey.
Milania's intrepid outing began when mum Kamilla took her and two friends, plus Kamilla's 19-year-old niece Danielle, to watch a movie at the Auckland waterfront on a recent busy Sunday
"We'd been at the Lantern Festival and I'd heard there was a kid's movie on at the Wynyard Quarter. So I decided to take the children to see it."
With the three children and Danielle, Kamilla went to an information centre on the waterfront to ask about the film.
"They were only about a metre behind me. I thought Milania was just an arm's reach away." But setting out for Princes Wharf, Kamilla realised Milania was missing.
"I asked the others if they knew where she was; but they didn't. So we started frantically looking." But Milania was nowhere to be seen.
Security staff reviewed CCTV footagJe, which revealed Milania had looked away at the moment the others went into the centre and it showed her looking around, confused, and scootering off in the opposite direction.
Kamilla called the rest of Milania's family and they came immediately to join the search. After about an hour, the police were called.
One of the officers asked if there was any chance of Milania having gone home. Kamilla thought it unlikely but went with an officer to their home almost 7km away.
"I left the other children with my friend, and drove home in the car. The officer said it was time for us to alert the media and get a helicopter out. That really hit me hard."
They arrived at the family home, but Milania was nowhere to be seen. As they were driving back, a policewoman saw a small child four doors from the home, sitting on a footpath.
"She asked me 'is that her'," said Kamilla. And it was and she was very tired and quiet, but calm. The first thing she said to me was 'you lost me Mum'!
Milania explained she'd lost sight of the group and thought they must have headed home. "So she decided to scooter home to find us. She had to cross some of Auckland's busiest streets all by herself."
Milania's journey is all the more remarkable as she has been to the Wynyard Quarter only two or three times this summer.
Asked if she was scared or sad during her epic journey, Milania responded: "I cried, but just a little."

Comprehension Questions

WALT: Analysing an article

Record your responses to the following questions on your blog. (Think about a suitable title)

1) Do you think Milania did the right thing?? No Because She Could Of Gotten Kidnapped Or Stolen By A Stranger! What could she have done instead?? She Could Of Asked For A Ride Home Or Waited For Her Mum To Come Find Her!!
2) What are some potential dangers that Milania faced? She Had Faced Busy Roads And Being Lost By Her Mum
3) Define Frantically and what is another word for it that you could use? Scary, Afraid, Sad, Or Demanded!!!